08 July 2008

The Ever-Shrinking Crazy Land

Foot Lady left us yesterday, another casualty of declining revenue. I'm disconsolate. Foot Lady, though she could be difficult and annoying, was tirelessly supportive after my father's suicide and my treatment for breast cancer. Of course, I'll also miss the general discomfort she caused the rest of the Crazy Landers whenever she forced them to look at her feet. I'm going to miss her on many levels.

I think this is the end of the reductions in force. It shouldn't be. Mr. Moneybags has insulted Owner and provided him with incorrect information not once, but twice. Owner shared with me the details of their first conflict. He now refers to Mr. Moneybags by his last name only. Accordingly, he will henceforth be called Bags here. The Superhighway filled me in on the second (and more egregious) offense. That's why she's called the Information Superhighway, after all.

I've absorbed most of Crazy's work and, therefore, I've been spending enormous amounts of time with Hemorrhoid. God help me. He's a sweet guy, but we speak two completely different languages. It requires a staggering level of concentration and energy to convert Hemorrhoid-speak to Ggirl-talk.

My surgery has been postponed until later in the month. Oh yay. More time for self injury and high anxiety. I've been looking forward to getting it over with, but maybe even more to taking a little break from Crazy Land. Yes, in this case, surgery is superior to work.

There's so much more to say, but this is all I have energy for tonight.

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