05 June 2007

Notes From The Parasite Taxi Stand

My brain is a bit fried from showing up at work at 7:00 a.m. I know that's not so early in the grand scheme of things, but I am so not a morning person. It is a huge deal to my brain. I've been working on the relational database all morning, so my thought processes are in a completely different mode than verbal. Relational or something like that. Anyway, that's a brief explanation of why exactly I may not be my usual sardonic self. Apparently it takes some energy to be sardonic. I'm going to plow ahead anyway.

One more thing before I get started. Oncology surgeon visit coming up on June 21. I don't wish to go there again so soon, but you know I'm in love with Dr. Ross so it could definitely be worse.

I've been meaning to get around to the complete Kitty Catastrophe story because I was so happy about how it turned out that I didn't even feel like sharing the gory details. The fun stuff is always hidden in those details. (See "Crazy Land In An Uproar")

I'm guessing that, in the email Money Man sent to the Owner, regarding the source of the fleas on his beloved boy, he mentioned the high cost of flea and rat extermination. Money Man should have known better. Owner does not like to be told what to do. It's not like it isn't his company or anything. Money Man tends to forget that, at his own peril.

Owner merely referred to the Money Man email in our conversation. He did not share the actual contents. Nonetheless, the finger of blame was, of course, pointed at me. As I said before, Lying Boy entered my office and hordes of fleas immediately saw him as their big chance to take a taxi over to a new, tastier venue. I've decided to be bad-tempered and angry about the accusation. As a matter of fact, the more I think about it, the more pissed off I get.

Money Man and family were in Hawaii last week. Of course, even if they weren't, none of them would be brave enough to come to the Flea and Rat Taxi Stand (my office) to say something directly to me. They're mean spirited and untrustworthy in personal relationships, but they're not that foolhardy. Nor that mature.

I was in the Information Superhighway's office when Money Man showed up on Monday. Being highly intuitive, I could see the flicker of rage behind the mask. Money Man is supremely pissed off at me. Why wouldn't he be? It's all my fault, you know.

He came bearing gifts for the office. Superhighway got a couple of cans of Macadamia nuts for her personal consumption. Well, I was sitting right there. What could he do? There was a moment or two of silence and then he knew there was no alternative to offering me one. You could see how much he really didn't wish to do it, but to not offer was a clear sign of his true feelings. God forbid. Did I take one? Absolutely. It could only piss him off more, right? Excellent.

I haven't seen Lying Boy at the office since their return. Frankly, I was a little surprised about that turn of events. It temporarily delays the necessity of deciding how to deal with him. Daughter is here, so I've got my hands full trying to find the proper tone with her. I'm thinking distant, but superficially friendly.

This whole episode is the biggest reason why I've decided to get my sorry ass up and to the office at 7:00. Less time to see any of them. I'm tired of dealing with Money Man, jollying him up and indulging his narcissism. My ass is in my chair, developing the database for 8 straight hours a day. No lunch period. The only pay-off for me in this is being home at 3:00. This week is a trial run, though. If I can't do the schedule, I won't. I am, after all, not a wuss. He is.

I hesitate to say I won (once again). I think all of this transcends me. It's part of a larger battle between Money Man and Owner. I did get what I wanted, though. Good triumphs over evil once again. I'm giving you that sardonic smile again. I bet you can see it all the way from there.

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